Flagship's portfolio vault

Introducing Flagship’s Portfolio Vault

In this article, we’re going to walk you through how our Portfolio Vault works, why we decided on this strategy and how you can access it and earn $FYI rewards!

We are excited to introduce our brand-new product to you: Flagship’s Portfolio Vault. This new Vault provides exposure to the best of crypto with a single transaction, while also having built-in protection against the market’s regular steep downturns.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through how our Portfolio Vault works, why we decided on this strategy and how you can access it and earn $FYI rewards!

Introducing Flagship’s Portfolio Vault

At Flagship, our mission has always been to make crypto’s exponential potential accessible for people who don’t have the time or knowledge to keep up with the market. Having experimented with various Vaults over the past year, we learned that while our Vault were compelling and performing well, they were still complex and required additional research from our users to decide on which Vault to invest in.

Old vaults

So we decided to put all our learnings into a single product, the one Vault to rule them all. Flagship’s Portfolio Vault includes stablecoins, gold, Bitcoin and multiple of the strongest crypto-assets of the moment. This allows the Vault to capture the upside of Bitcoin, emerging trends and rapidly growing projects, while also being able to take profits and park these in stable assets during the market’s inevitable downturns.

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On the backend, nothing changes. Because we use the blockchain, we can’t access your assets, you are able to transparently see the changes and performance, and once invested, you’ll receive an IOU token (called $FLGSHP) in your wallet that functions as your receipt and can always been redeemed for your invested stablecoins. All and all, you can get exposure to the best of crypto with a single transaction and let us do all the work for you!

If you’d like to access Flagship’s Portfolio Vault as one of the first, sign up here!

Portfolio Vault

A little more on how the Portfolio Vault works

Flagship’s Portfolio Vault has 5 different risk profiles that range from mega bearish to mega bullish, which in turn determine the level of risk taken on by the Vault. For example, when the market looks fragile, this Vault will mainly comprise stablecoins, while bullish market conditions result in higher allocations to risky assets. The risk profiles are determined by a large set of both macro and crypto-specific indicators, like dollar strength, volatility, stablecoin in/outflows and many more.

Read our in-depth description of the indicators we use and our risk profiles here

Flagship's Portfolio Vault Risk Profiles

The addition and removal of assets, as well as the rebalancing between included assets, can occur at any time based on the analyses and theses of our team of Captains. For example, when Captains spots a new opportunity or has a strong case for changing market conditions, they write a thesis to propose changes. The rest of the Captains reviews this and if a consensus is reached, the Vault rebalances accordingly. This process and information will all be available to the Vault investors!

The road ahead

When it comes to the Vaults, optimizing the performance and operations of this Portfolio Vault is the number one priority for the coming months, with the explicit goals of outperforming the dollar and Bitcoin while consistently onboarding new users to the beta. Part of this is continuously attracting expert analysts and publishing content focused on our most valuable insights.

Flagship's Outposts

After this period, we are going to look into branching out this single Vault into three Vaults with varying degrees of risk (low-mid-high). Additionally, we’re going to look for high-value partners that can help our users with using the Portfolio Vault token as collateral in DeFi, meaning you could get stablecoin loans against your Vault investments.

Finally and most importantly, we’ll continue to focus on our ongoing community sale. After having successfully sold out 2 months in a row, we now understand that selling our $FYI token directly to our end users is the way to go. There’s an obvious strong alignment between token holders and Vault users, as our token comes with the following utilities:

  • Discount on Vault fees
  • Access to premium content
  • Participation in the governance process

You can still participate in the community sale by visiting
this page!

See you in the Vault and our community!

Team Flagship

Join our investment-loving community here
on Telegram.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this site should be construed as a financial investment recommendation. It’s important to understand that investing is a high-risk activity. Investments expose money to potential loss.



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