ETF comparison BTC vs ETH. The greyscale selling

ETF comparison BTC vs ETH. The greyscale selling

Since their trust conversion, Grayscale has encountered significant outflows in its Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs.

Introduction to Grayscale and Its Operations

Grayscale is a major player in the crypto asset management world, known for its digital asset trusts, which allow investors to gain exposure to cryptocurrencies without holding them directly. The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) is the firm's flagship product, providing a way to invest in Bitcoin through a traditional financial instrument. Grayscale's strategy involves buying large quantities of digital assets and then selling shares in these trusts to investors.

Grayscale initially operated its products as trusts, with shares that often traded at a premium or discount to the underlying asset value. In 2024, Grayscale transitioned its Bitcoin and Ethereum trusts into Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) after receiving approval from the SEC. This shift was aimed at providing more accurate pricing that closely tracks the spot prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum, while also making these products more appealing to institutional investors.

Grayscale ETF

Grayscale's Bitcoin Sales Following ETF Launch

Grayscale has seen substantial selling of its Bitcoin holdings since converting its Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) into a spot Bitcoin ETF in January 2024. The conversion led to significant investor withdrawals, as many sought to switch to competing products that offer lower fees and better liquidity. As a result, GBTC has experienced over $15 billion in outflows, with its Bitcoin holdings plummeting from 618,000 BTC at the start of 2024 to 328,012 BTC by April.

Initially, the fund was losing around 5,092 BTC per day, raising concerns that it might run out of Bitcoin by July. However, the pace of outflows has slowed considerably, with recent data showing a reduction to $75 million in daily withdrawals. To this day, Grayscale has now sold close to $20 billion in BTC.

BTC Selling

Grayscale ETH ETF

Grayscale's Ethereum ETF, launched in July 2024, has faced more difficulties than its Bitcoin ETF. By late August, the Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE) has seen over $2.5 billion in withdrawals. In contrast, competitors like BlackRock's iShares Ethereum ETF (ETHA) brought in nearly $1 billion in net inflows. Despite these challenges, Grayscale remains a key player in the Ethereum market, though it is under pressure due to shifting market interest in Ethereum.


Comparing the ETFs

Grayscale has seen significant outflows in both its Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs since their launch, with the Ethereum ETF (ETHE) facing particularly heavy withdrawals. After converting to a spot ETF in July 2024, ETHE experienced $1.2 billion in net outflows within just a few days, sharply contrasting with other new Ethereum ETFs like BlackRock's ETHA and Bitwise's ETHW, which recorded substantial inflows.

These outflows have reduced ETHE's assets under management from $10 billion to about $7.5 billion, putting pressure on ether’s price. Analysts warn that if this trend continues, ETHE could deplete its assets in a matter of weeks.

By comparison, Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF (GBTC) also faced outflows, but they were less severe relative to its total assets. This was partly because GBTC was still trading at a discount at launch, and Bitcoin’s price had been rising, helping to cushion the impact.

The heavy outflows from ETHE are creating significant downward pressure on ether, as other Ethereum ETFs are not absorbing the selling pressure. While the pace of outflows might eventually slow, the current trend suggests ongoing challenges for ETHE and ether’s market performance.



Grayscale has faced significant withdrawls since the conversion of its Bitcoin and Ethereum trusts into ETFs. The Bitcoin ETF (GBTC) saw large withdrawals but has managed to stabilize, while the Ethereum ETF (ETHE) has struggled with substantial outflows that could deplete its assets in weeks if the trend continues. Despite these challenges, Grayscale remains a key ETF in the crypto market, though it faces pressure from competitors and fluctuating market interest.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this site should be construed as a financial investment recommendation. It’s important to understand that investing is a high-risk activity. Investments expose money to potential loss.



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