Zeeverse web3 game

Zeeverse - The “Play2Earn metaverse”

An in-depth review of the blockchain-based metaverse "Zeeverse". Let's have a look at this game!

Zeeverse is a blockchain-based metaverse where you can collect unique creatures called ZEE NFT, level them, and then enter PvE or PvP battles with them. It has a bit of a Minecraft feel and looks when entering this game, and can be accessed straight from your browser without any difficult download or signup process, which is pretty cool.

  • Type: Play2Earn Metaverse
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Status: Beta Development

First, let us dive into their website and community, and go over some general statistics. When taking a first look at their website you can’t find a lot of information. You can click on “Play Alpha v0.8.0” or “Get Updates”. While a lot of other games or blockchain projects list an entire roadmap, news, plans, and goals Zeeverse wants you to dive into the action straight away!

Zeeverse Game Features

To collect new ZEE, players have to obtain ZEE eggs (ERC-721 token) from dungeon drops or other players. Hatching requires a player to stake ZEE for 5 days and pay $ZEET. These ZEE NFTs can then be leveled up and customized to increase their market value.

Another prominent game mechanic is the Land and Voxels feature. ZEE Land is key to the live-ops service model to ensure Zeeverse's growth in the coming years. In short, ZEE Land is how the developers will add new content to the game organically by increasing the ZEE species pool.

Overall, Zeeverse is focused on delivering a fun and personalized proof-of-work system that allows players to enjoy a cohesive combat system, customize their ZEEs, meet other players, and make a profit from all their hard work.


Partners & NFT activity

Zeeverse is partnered with the Mr.Block Crypto store, YGG SEA, Infinity Ventures Crypto, PWMC, and Gametaverse, who are promising partners that have a history of backing successful crypto start-ups.

NFT activity

  • 59 ETH Total Volume
  • 0.0698 ETH Floor price
  • 0.06 WETH Best offer
  • 4% Listed
  • 1.989 Owners
  • 60% Unique owners
  • 3333 items

Looking at their NFT activity or “ZeeverseVault” which was created on June 2022, you can see in the last 3 months they have a 42% increase in volume leading up to 59 ETH. They have a 10% increase in sales leading up to 1.165 sales with a floor price of 0.0698 ETH.

Looking at these stats overall, you can see they still have a long way to go. Still, these are positive stats for a game where graphically not a lot of time or resources were spent on.

Zeeverse game boy picture

What can we tell from their socials?

Looking at the socials of Zeeverse, we can see the following stats noted on 22-03-2023:

  • Twitter: 30.500 Followers
  • Discord: 7.581 Members
  • Telegram: 21.854 Members
  • Instagram 247 Followers

It is nothing over the top, but also has pretty decent stats for being launched in June 2022. The Instagram page seems to be left behind compared to their other channels, so it might be better for them to just put it on inactive at this point to have a better overall view.

What I did notice, is that there while there are a lot of members on discord and telegram, the 'online' members are quite low. This means that a lot of people might already have left the project. When entering the game it did feel like they have an active community, and you can instantly see who else is playing in their world.

Zeeverse community

The story of Zeeverse

I do have to say the official trailer looks very good, it is action-packed, funny, and looks like something you want to dive into when seeing it!

The story of Zeeverse is a story of duty, exploration, and companionship.

You begin as a young Shaman - summoned to the Spirit Realm in a desperate call for help. For centuries, you have been fulfilling your purpose as a trusted messenger between humans and Gods. Now, you are here to defend them.

Over centuries that inhabitants of the Shadow Realm were left to their own doings, they have exhausted their land's resources - for the last fish in their rivers and the last log in their woods have been taken without giving anything in return.

In a last-ditch effort to extend their existence, the Corrupted Gods have ruptured the fabric of the Spirit Realm to usher in a new age. One where it takes everything to protect what they're after.


What this game does very well, is that you can dive right into the action and you can learn while playing. You get good hints and tips while playing the game, so you'll get a good overall feeling of what you need to do.


PVE is your main path to advancement in the game. Here you go against waves of enemy Zee sent down by the Corrupted Gods. As you advance through the waves, the enemies get stronger, and each dungeon culminates in a Boss battle that may award you with a Zee Egg.

Currently, Dungeons are played solo, though a co-op mode is planned in the future. You begin your first Dungeon with 3 Zee acquired from a tutorial, and as you progress, higher-level Dungeons become playable with a Pack of up to 5 Zee.


PVP is based on a Risk-to-Earn model and takes place in the Arena. For each battle, you wager an amount $VEE tokens with your opponent and combat until one of the sides eliminates all enemy Zee. PVP Arena is a great place to develop strategies and test different configurations of your Zee Pack.


Social Gameplay involves live events, quests, and tournaments held in Zeeverse.

One such example involves Curve: The 4th Dimension play2mint Quest organized in collaboration with Curve Finance.

During the event, players had to compete in a quest to help Wakan Tanka, the creator God of Zeeverse, construct a sacred temple. All participants followed the in-game story and were rewarded with a special evolving NFT.

Still to be launched: Crafting & Land

Zeeverse NFT

The Zeedex

They have a Zeedex, which you can basically compare to a Pokedex, which makes it easy to understand where the general idea for this game comes from. In the Zeedex you can find all available Zee in the game - they have different types like Water, Fire, Grass, Trumpy, Chomp, Squill, … and many more!

Closing thoughts

First of all, the game looks fun and is fun to play! There is work to do on the graphics and growing their community, but don’t forget they are in alpha-launch and there is still more to come! The game gives you some Pokémon vibes with Minecraft graphics, but this doesn’t bother me at all as games are meant to be fun. Something that I do find a bit misleading - looking at their announcement graphics and trailer, you don’t see that come back immediately when you enter the game, I do hope they develop how they present the game.

There is not a lot of information to be found about the project on their own website, but with some deeper research, you can find more information. I hope the most important things are summed up in my article for you!

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Disclaimer: Nothing on this site should be construed as a financial investment recommendation. It’s important to understand that investing is a high-risk activity. Investments expose money to potential loss.



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