The first "Shadow Fork" for the Shanghai upgrade to Ethereum is now complete

The first "Shadow Fork" for the Shanghai Upgrade to Ethereum is now complete

Developers of the Ethereum network have released a "shadow fork" of the Shanghai upgrade. After the fork, Ethereum's nodes had some minor technical difficulties while using Geth clients

To test the Shanghai upgrade on a variant of the main Ethereum network, developers successfully launched a “shadow fork” of the upgrade. Developers can check whether a section of code from the proposed upgrade will function properly on the actual blockchain by running it on a test version of the mainnet called a “shadow fork.” Around 5:30 ET, a test for the Shanghai upgrade was conducted.

According to Marius Van Der Wijden, a Geth developer, there were minor technical difficulties with Ethereum's nodes using Geth clients after the fork. However, the problems were resolved by developers, and now there is consensus among all nodes. Van Der Wijden continued,

“They will be testing more to make sure everything works properly.”

Shanghai will enable users to access their staked coins that were momentarily rendered inaccessible during the transition known as “The Merge” in September. Withdrawals will be made available on the mainnet in March. While withdrawals will be the main feature, developers have also completed three other enhancements to reduce gas costs for specific activities. Before the end of February, developers are considering launching a public test network that would allow staking companies to test the Shanghai upgrade. There will be more shadow forks in the upcoming weeks.

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