Moss Boss: How Moss Helps Web3 Projects Tap Into Their Communities

Moss Boss: How Moss Helps Web3 Projects Tap Into Their Communities

The world of work is changing. Organizations from large corporations to burgeoning collectives are looking into web3, DAOs, and tokenized economies as their future foundational finance and governance structures.

Token-ownership puts ownership and community into the hands of holders. Organizations can then leverage the blockchain to reward and engage them far more effectively than through traditional channels. Web3 promises to create sweeping change in the influencer and creator economies. Decentralized communities are more diverse, engage more, and mobilize easier.

The Issue With Retention in Web3

That’s where web3 is headed anyway. Right now, web3 engagement is currently a spew of hypernoise as projects battle for attention. Users suffer constant attrition from the high effort required to keep up to date with the latest news. The best existing tools are only understandable by the already crypto-fluent, giving power users a leg up. Even for those users, it can become tiring to navigate traditional web3 channels.

Casual users who strive to become fluent quickly lose steam under the weight of spam that emanates from existing platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and Discord. They rapidly become jaded by the intense effort required to track the rapidly shifting whispers of the market, and the janky tools used by web3 projects, tokens, and DAOs to get their news and key announcements out there. As a result, the interest of these users wane, they fail to take maximum advantage of token benefits, and the community around the project as a whole fades.

How Moss Makes Web3 Cleaner

Moss is a clean, thoughtfully designed, automated portal for all of a user’s web3 news. It feels like a crafted newsletter, a format that has resurged in popularity in the last few years. For users, this means digestibility and quality of information that is specific to them.

Using Moss, users will be able to scan the latest announcements from projects they love. It’s spam-free and only shows you news from the projects you care about. It does this by scanning your wallet, detecting the tokens you hold, and then compiling your own personal Moss feed, replete with easily digestible snippets of announcements from your holdings. Users can also choose to follow other communities they don’t hold tokens for if they want to explore before committing.

Moss does much more than just deliver news though – it automatically creates a custom, exportable smart calendar populated with events from projects you follow. This makes engagement for casual users easy and more approachable, both online and IRL. Moss will help users who have only dabbled in crypto convert from the passive to the active.

How Web3 Projects Can Use Moss to Mobilize Casual Users

For web3 projects, this is a godsend. They have successfully advertised and established a community already, yet struggle to retain any but the most hardcore fans because the channels of engagement are so clogged and hard to follow. For organizations who want to establish a beachhead in web3, or who have already launched NFT collections linked to their brand, they don’t have a way to easily tap into their newly acquired holders – ones whose methods of engagement are far different to their traditional customer. In the case of every web3 project, the disparate and decentralized nature of the communities means they all have their preferred platforms of engagement.

Moss distills the most essential information from all these platforms and puts them in one easy place in a way that feels natural to web2 and web3 users alike, and is crafted to catch the casually engaged fan. It brings the fringe in, and further achieves a sense of value and engagement in those communities.

Organizations in web3 will see a significant uptick in engagement from their casual fringe fans through the directness and simplicity of Moss, which is made for the 90% and focuses on that type of user’s needs. Several communities have already signed up to deliver their news through Moss’s beta app.

Moss Makes Web3 Work

By helping web3 projects tap into their new and diverse communities more effectively, Moss is helping achieve the promise of web3 – more decentralization in decision-making and shared power. Web3 pushes power to the fringes then motivates that fringe to become more involved in that project, and to take ownership of it. This sense of ownership and engagement is core to what is built in web3.

Moss lets web3 projects exploring this brave new world talk to their community with simplicity and ease, creating a virtuous circle of engagement. For the end user, they have a clean, digestible, and actionable source for news from all their favorite communities, reducing the noise and enabling their engagement. It counteracts the fatigue these users commonly suffer, helping convert them from casual to excited fans. The Moss beta has already launched for users, and Moss is onboarding more organizations for participation in their beta, with more information available on the website.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this site should be construed as a financial investment recommendation. It’s important to understand that investing is a high-risk activity. Investments expose money to potential loss.



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