LBank Partners up With Chung-Ang University to Nurture Web3 Talent

LBank Partners up With Chung-Ang University to Nurture Web3 Talent

Global crypto exchange LBank will grant top talent at the Korean university access to internship programs, lectures, fundraisers and incubators for Web3 startups

Innovation within the blockchain industry often goes hand in hand with education. Top crypto exchanges are rushing to create lasting partnerships with educational powerhouses to reach future innovators. Seoul-based Chung-Ang University signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on blockchain cooperation with global crypto exchange LBank.

  • The university and the exchange view the agreement as a mutually beneficial way of fostering promising startup teams and promoting technology innovation within the budding Web3 ecosystem.
  • “We will collaborate with LBank in various fields to carry out more efficient business exchanges,” says Go Joong-hyeok, head of the Link Project Group (LINC 3.0) at Chung-Ang University, to Korean digital news site edaily.
  • “When a company at the forefront of the blockchain industry and several research institutions partner up, various explorations on creative business models will become possible,” says Jang Hang-bae, director of the Blockchain Research Center of Chung-Ang University.
LBank Partners up With Chung-Ang University to Nurture Web3 Talent

LBank Labs, the investment arm of the global exchange, holds more than 50 million USDT for blockchain and Web3 ventures.

  • Czhang Lin, a leading member on the direction board of LBank’s investment arm Labs, attended the signing ceremony in Seoul.
  • “We plan to collaborate with Chung-Ang University to plan seminars and conferences about the Web3 industry. Furthermore, we will provide various training programs to foster upcoming talents,” Lin shared.
  • According to Lin, the partnership with the Korean university won’t be the last cooperation between the global crypto player and public education departments. “Things are progressing quickly. I’m looking forward to the next opportunity”, he concludes. 

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