Axie DoLL: A Community-Built Game on App.axie

Axie DoLL: A Community-Built Game on App.axie

Axie DoLL is the first Builder's Program Game On App.axie; You have been summoned to defend Lunacia from a dangerous new wave of enemies. Will you answer the call?

Welcome to Axie DoLL: Defenders of Lunacian Land

We’re thrilled to share this addicting survival action game with our incredible community. Many of you have had a chance to test Axie DoLL over the last few months but today this community-built Axie game takes a big step by launching its official Beta through App.axie!

Battle with your own Axies by connecting your Ronin Wallet and upgrade powerful new skills using SLP.

Climb the leaderboard to win special rewards and unlock new challenges.

Axie DoLL is easy to learn but hard to master: players have already logged over 500,000 minutes in-game. 🤯


In 2018, we had a dream that axies would come to life as cute but fierce digital pets. Today, Axie DoLL builds on that vision by giving our axies an exciting new mission.

Remember: you can use the axies you already own in Axie DoLL.

Check out the specific advantages of each axie class here and explore up to 132 active in-game skills here.

For example, Hot Butt is an active skill. It releases a trail of fiery damage on Lunacia's enemies. 👇

And there's more. 👀👇

Rewards Pool

Do you have what it takes to dominate the Axie DoLL leaderboard? Enlist in Ranked Mode for 1,200 SLP to compete for a share of the rewards pool below. When you enlist, you’ll receive 10 free shields worth 40 SLP each and a soulbound badge for your axie.

These fees go into the rewards pool, and top players can win a share at the end of each season. Season 0 runs from December 16th, 2022 to January 6th, 2023.

Here’s how much top players can win. Good luck, defenders!

🥇 1st Place wins 20% of the rewards pool

🥈 2nd Place wins 9% of the rewards pool

🥉 3rd Place wins 5% of the rewards pool

🏆 4th-10th Places win 3% of the rewards pool each

🏆 11th-20th Places win 1.5% of the rewards pool each

🏆 21st-50th Places win 1% of the rewards pool each

The Axie Builder’s Program

Everyone knows DOTA, but did you know it started as a mod for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos before it got famous? Simply put, some of the most successful games of all time started out as projects built by the community. We think Web3 will unleash this model as the mechanisms for incentive alignment and connection between players and developers are now at least 10x stronger.

ICYMI: the Axie Builder’s Program is how our brilliant community invents new games that bring axies to life. Sky Mavis offers grants, mentorship, and exclusive access to a few creative teams who can build new experiences for our axies. Check out some of the games in development here.

Thank you to Tiyo Triyanto, Patryk Szeląg, Paulina Mołas, and Lars Crawford for building the first game in our Axie Builder’s Program available on app.axieinfinity’s game section. This is just the beginning: there are amazing opportunities ahead. 

Anything is possible with the powerful builder’s spirit in our community!

Visit to get started, and watch this tutorial to learn more.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this site should be construed as a financial investment recommendation. It’s important to understand that investing is a high-risk activity. Investments expose money to potential loss.



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