
Nostr is a decentralized, open-source protocol for global, censorship-resistant social media.. Nostr does not have a token or use a blockchain, but it shares the principles of decentralization and censorship resistance with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Nostr uses cryptographic signatures and public-key cryptography to secure communications and verify messages. It is not an app or service, but a technology anyone can build top off.

How to use Nostr Crypto Protocol

Getting Started with Nostr: The Open-Source Crypto Protocol for Resilient Social Media

Nostr Protocol was created in response to privacy concerns and censorship issues prevalent in centralized social media platforms. Nostr's decentralized structure enhances its resilience and reduces the possibility of censorship. With cryptographic keys and signatures, Nostr gives users greater control over their data and communications, providing a level of privacy that is often lacking in traditional platforms.